Monday, August 9, 2010

Prologue: Introduction

We are the muses, goddesses of the—no, wait. That’s not right. Although I do love mythology and Disney (even though when mixed together it is hilariously screwed up). So who am I? Well, that question is never quite as simple as it sounds. Three words that require hours of self-reflection and paragraphs of explanation to answer.

Or, you could just write down whatever springs to mind first (which is my preferred method). So, I am a klutzy, ghostly pale (shield your eyes when I step into the sun) maybe celiac, with a huge list of food restrictions and a penchant for sandwiches (which I have no fear of eating). I am a voracious reader with an adoration of words that could be unhealthy, but hasn’t quite reached that point. I have the socially accepted form of schizophrenia* known as being a writer. I cannot cook, but my mom is determined to teach me how.

I am a terrible artist with creative tendencies that I can’t fulfill how I want to. I am stubborn, competitive (but can’t play sports so woe be to you who challenge me in a board game), prone to believe I am right and correct people, confrontation-impaired, and at times very emotionally reserved.

I am a Harry Potter nerd, Joss Whedon fan, and yet a Christian (which does not mean I will condemn anyone for anything. But that’s a whole other blog post) I am the girl who can have fun out at a club with girlfriends and the next morning go and pick up eight new books from the library (and be giddy about both). In short, I am the complicated mass that makes up me.

Okay, so that’s who I am (sort of) but why a blog? Plenty of people out there could be described as I am above, but they don’t feel the need to blog. Well there’s one detail up that there may explain better why I have the urge to put pen to paper (metaphorically) and document the world around me. Can you find it?

If you said schizophrenia, you’re sort of right. It’s being a writer. Something calls out to me and lures me towards writing about anything that comes to mind. I did a blog for my trip to London (my first ever) and loved it. So now I’m doing something on a more permanent basis. And I don’t know where it’s going to go exactly, but I’m excited to find out. Finding out how to cook, being a senior in college before moving on in the world, trying to get published, and just figuring out life in general? Sounds like fun to me.

How do you measure, measure a year (well, however long I write this for, but that doesn’t fit the song)? With a blog! Welcome to the madness.

*I am in no way making light of schizophrenia, which is a serious and often frightening condition. This is merely the best description I’ve found of writing.


  1. You measure with a blog AND love ^__^

  2. AHHH!!! I feel much better now. :-) I am glad I get to read your writing again. I can barely wait until you have a book that I can curl up and read!

  3. I am always so amazed at how your writing has morphed and matured over the last 6 years. I enjoyed your writing then, but now it makes me FEEL things. I love to feel the laughter bubble up in me when I read your version of an experience and I even enjoy the tears that well up in my eyes when you write something that touches me and reveals the woman you are and not just the child I always compare you to. I can't wait to experience your new adventures both in college life and in cooking (which I know you will eventually become proficient at). So go forth and reveal what the life of a "Would-be-writer" is like. I'm here to be entertained and touched and to put out the kitchen fire with my handy dandy fire extinguisher.

  4. I am looking forward to reading more of your writing because I too am a word nerd.
