Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chapter 2.2: Sharing the Geekery

As I mentioned in my last post, I am fluent in geek. Not the computer-whiz-but-socially-inept kind of geek but the book-and-TV-based-fangirly kind (and even male enthusiasts can be considered fangirly sometimes). I know the plot lines of most (if not all) vampire based TV shows. Joss Whedon is my master and I squealed with delight when I found he would be directing an episode of Glee (it didn't hurt that Neil Patrick Harris was in it too). I spend time deciding who would be the best actor to play characters from my favorite books (James Marsters makes an excellent Harry Dresden and Hugh Jackman could totally be Vishous). I gave up Paris to be an extra in Twilight for crying out loud. When I fangirl, I do it all the way.

One of the fandoms I love, and one I have been in the longest, is Harry Potter. I am one of the Harry Potter generation, the kids who grew up with the books, reading the final one for the first time at seventeen. I've been Harry Potter for Halloween (thank goodness he wears a hat or I never would have been able to have short, messy hair when my was long). I've waited 19 hours in 103 degrees of heat for the midnight showing of the newest movie. I've spent who knows how much time online, debating the war of Snape: Friend or Foe? and discussing favorite quotes. I am an officer in my university's Harry Potter Club.

As any geek or fan knows, their first responsibility is to share their geekery with the rest of the world (i.e. whomever they can suck into their beloved madness). I take this very seriously ;) Plus it gives me people to talk to and who understand when I make references. Which is why I have recently managed to finally suck Mom into some of my paranormal romance books. My dad has been reading my books since I was 13, but Mom took much more convincing. The particular series is The Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost (mentioned here). It was an absolute thrill for me when we were sitting at the theatre, watching Eclipse, and Mom leans over and made a reference from one of the books. Success!

I was also able to share part of my Harry Potter love with my family last night. There is a production, made by talented Harry Potter fans in Ann Arbor, MI and posted on YouTube, called A Very Potter Musical. Yes, that's right. There is a musical based (loosely) on Harry Potter. But it is better than anything that could be made following Harry Potter to the letter. It lovingly mocks and references the books and is the most fun a Harry Potter fan can have watching a supplement to the movies.

Last night, I sucked my family into watching it with me. I had managed to take the YouTube videos and burn them to a DVD. And they liked it! Well, I know Mom liked it. Meg was on her phone most of it and Dad fell asleep (it was after 8pm ;)). But now some of my references make sense to them. Although we paused it at one point and Dad woke up a little. I told him he'd missed Voldemort tap dancing, then realized that sentence makes no sense out of context (yes, Voldemort tap dancing. Doesn't that make you want to watch it?)

And the sharing of fandoms works both ways; you can suck others in, or you can be sucked in. I personally was sucked into Jude Deveraux's romance novels by Mom. They're just so good! And they feel real because she doesn't make characters without flaws, bad stuff happens, and even the happy ending doesn't mean the couple doesn't have problems or argue anymore. They just know they love each other more than they need to win an argument (even if they're going to try their best to win)

One of my Livejournal friends, Lezlishae, is the one who got me into Jeaniene Frost. She posted the link to the first 60 pages of the first book and I was bored during a summer day. So, even though the cover didn't look like something I'd read (and I was still sort of fighting being a vampire groupie), I started reading. And then I couldn't stop. And then I was out of book and needed to know what happened next. So I went out and bought the two books that had been released. I never looked back and those books became some of my favorites.

Which is probably why when that same friend suggested The Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward, I actually picked up the first book. I'd found it at Powells for only $5 and figured, she was right before. And she was right again. Steamy, sarcastic, and completely addicting. I ended up going out and buying the next two, finishing the second and buying the next two after that. All six were purchased within the course of a week. Love the books and ended up buying the last two in hardback just so I didn't have to wait.

What about you? What has a friend sucked you into? Or what fandom have you opened to a friend? Welcome to the fandom. Make merry with your newfound insanity.


  1. I LOVE James Marsters as Spike--he is AMAZING. Buffy is my favorite of everything Joss Whedon has ever done (S5-7 are the best). It took me forever to watch Angel because honestly--I hate Angel's whiny snivelling character. :/ But I ended up really liking the series.

    However I feel like Whedon's series tend to take a noticable dip around Season 4. It seems like his Season 4 tends to head downhill for some reason...have you noticed this too?


    As for Harry Potter--I actually read more fanfiction than the books. It's kind of horrid to admit...but y'know. ;) At times its SO NOT good because I will mix up stuff that happens in the fic with the actual canon. (However I read GOOD fic--very intricate plots, well done, well written stuff. So good. So addictive. I'm not even kidding when I say that someone managed to weave a Snape/Hermione pairing through the ENTIRE sixth and seventh books including quotes/plot/everything. All of it was just 'behind-the-scenes').

    Ironically a friend of mine, Katie, actually sucked me into Ashwinder which is where I spend MOST of my fanfiction time (okay pretty much all of it--I only recently got interested in Draco/Hermione but I'm not too into that pairing at least as not as much as my other...). It's Snape/Hermione and ROMANCE. :)

    Honestly, I really suggest trying it -- it is one of the best fanfiction sites I have come across and truly amazing especially when you don't want to let Harry Potter go. :)


    I also belong to a couple other fandoms but I'm not as 'in' to those ones. Well I lied. I'm probably pretty into my Australia's Next Top Model fandom.

    My America's Next Top Model fandom and my Glee fandom I could kind of take or leave at this point, but I used to be more into ANTM fandom that I am now. Glee is 'okay', but nothing on tv is really topping Joss Whedon.

    I'd be in more fandoms if I could actually watch them when they aired though--such as True Blood and Big Love. I have to wait to watch those until they come out in DVD and rental places get them...which really sucks because I love BOTH those shows and would LOVE to discuss them with someone else who also watches. :)

    Sorry for the TL;DR. I just tend to write wayyy to much fandom wise.

  2. First of all, I totally understand running on when talking about fandoms. I do it too sometimes. I blame the adrenaline of actually getting to talk to someone who also cares about that topic.

    I haven't gotten to Season 4 of Buffy, but I definitely noticed that Season 4 of Angel was insane! Seriously, what was that?

    My roommate pretty much had the same thing happen with fanfiction. She sometimes turns to me and asks "Did this actually happen?" Luckily, I have a sharp memory have not read nearly as much fanfiction. I love the well written stuff though. I used to want to create a TV show called Fanfiction Theatre, where the really well-written stuff got brought to life. I will totally have to check out that site.

    And I love that most shows I watch are up on the 'net. It helps when I'm at school because I watch only a few shows on TV (two of which I watch on TV because I watch them over Skype with my family. Yes, we're odd). Although, I really love shows on DVD. Just can't afford them often.

  3. I have to admit that when you first asked if we could watch AVPM I was thinking that I would at least give it an effort (because I love you so much I would do anything for you) but that if it was like a bad high school drama presentation I would go play Bejeweled when I got bored. I'm pleased to say that not only was it fun to watch, but I didn't even notice that we had been watching it for almost 3 hours. And as much as I don't like to watch things with a lot of swearing in it... the wearing in AVPM actually made it even more funny :D

    Thanks for sharing

  4. I actually don't get television/cable so I'm stuck with whatever I can scrounge up on the net. :/ It's kinda disappointing because I really love the crime scene type shows (I used to watch them while doing homework) and I haven't seen them in ages--I also LOVE Criminal Minds.

    Yeah...I'm SO your roommate. That happens alllll the time to me. I even get really different views of characters because of it--for example: Dumbledore.

    One fic was talking about difference between Gryffindors and other houses (specifically, in this case: Slytherin)--and the best quote I read was Snape talking about Albus and he says to Hermione: "Albus was a Gryffindor at eleven." It really discusses how people change over time, and how we may have been something originally that we no longer are. Non sum qualis eram.

    I think Angel S4 sucked because of Connor. John and I had this HUGE discussion about how Connor had NO real depth to his character and the writers just seemed to use him to eff things up whenever they needed something effed up. As John aptly put it: "If Connor can take something wrong, he will." It just got REALLY old after a while.

    As for Buffy S4--it's honestly my least favorite season, I think. It picks up AFTER that season though, so don't quit watching there. :) I honestly think it sucks because of Riley. Once you watch it--let me know if you agree and then I can suck you into a fandom discussion. :)


    TL; DR. Again. (eep! Sorry! I keep doing this. I just can't help myself!)

  5. Mom, I totally got that vibe from you and yeah, the swearing in AVPM (yay for you using the acronym!) seems reasonable, and sometimes funny. Maybe because we don't expect kids at Hogwarts to swear. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Cortney, I think John is totally right about Connor. He did have a tendency to fly off the handle. And I want to watch Buffy, but my Dad's discs are screwed up so we have to buy new ones at some point and just don't have the funds right now. I will absolutely tell you when I finish it. I love discussing fandom

  6. I have all seven seasons of Buffy. When you get back up to Western I can lend some seasons to you if need be? :)

  7. Yes, I am so up for some Buffy. I wanted to watch with my dad, but maybe I can borrow them over a break? *Sad puppy eyes*

  8. You totally can! :) (As long as you promise to return them! lol.)

    What seasons do you need?

  9. Um, probably should start in season 3. I think that's where we'd gotten to before we just gave up. So, seasons 3-5 and then seven. Although, there's no way we can watch that much over winter break.
